About the Administrator

Hello, my name is Jason Gunn. For those of you searching “Jason Gunn” on the internet and looking for the New Zealand television personality, that’s not me. But thanks for visiting nonetheless. Feel free to say and browse.

Anyhow, I am a broadcast journalist by profession. I work in the television news business as an Assignment Editor. Throughout the course of my career I have seen various sensational, dull and important news stories around the world. It has become more than just a job, but a passion.

A native of Virginia Beach, Virginia, I would also eventually call home to a couple of different cities in Florida as well. I am the youngest of four children of a public school teacher and Navy veteran. So it’s easy to recognize that early on I learned the value of a public education and the opportunity that a good education grants every child. In 2000, tragedy struck the Gunn family. My brother Cherone Gunn was stationed on the USS Cole when al-Qaeda attacked. He was among the 17 sailors who were killed in the attack. That was a devastating day for me, my family, much of my friends, the community, and the nation as a whole. This remains a big part of my life and part of the reason why I write.

I started writing this web log in the summer of 2008. It was a way of allowing me to present different stories of people, situations and places from my personal perspective. It is important to note that my writing on this blog here is in no way affiliated with any news station or department that I have worked for, or currently work for. So I do enjoy my own journalistic freedom in my work. I blog as a way to exhibit news and information with my own personal thoughts and feelings.

While I am not working, writing or looking for something to write about, I like to root for my favorite football team, the San Francisco 49ers, watch a good movie, make a little money as a card player. But most of all, being a good father at the end of the day is what counts.

2 thoughts on “About the Administrator

    1. Functioning in a manner of speaking. It’s a blog that, regrettably due to other life events, I haven’t posted to or updated in about a year. However, it does serve as good reading material to my 9-month-old son.

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